Project fipples

Yes I know you are waiting for an update, I rashly posted on another topic yesterday (in an impulsive mood) with no mention of the fipples or foobs, terribly rude of me!

Last Thursday, a week ago tomorrow I went into hospital to have my nipples reconstructed.  Also during the operation, the plastic surgeon offered to ‘tidy up’ my breasts, via taking some fat from my tummy and using it to inject into less nicely contoured areas.  The ultimate goal, improved foobs.

I ended up pretty excited on the day, very ready to continue moving towards a more normal looking physique.  I also got some exciting news re my big cheese moving mission/ NY move in the morning, so lots of stuff was swimming through my head as I headed to the hospital.

Mum dropped me off and then I waited for at least two hours before anything happened.  Which was kind of good because I had been a bit naughty and eaten and drunk for a full hour past the nil by mouth deadline.  They are always late I told myself.  And I was right!   Despite this I was still casting envious stares around the hospital at people eating and drinking.  I just wanted a sip of waaaaater!  Hmmm, maybe running squad first up wasn’t my brightest idea 😉

Eventually, my Dr joined me in pre-op and reviewed his existing work (which you may recall had not met my high expectations).  Aware of my concerns, he then took to me with a marker, drawing right across my tummy.  Next he turned to me and asked me how big I’d like my nipples to be.   Hadn’t thought about that! I decided given I had pretty tiny ones before, best to verge on the smaller side.  He drew a couple of circles, I nodded and it was time for the anesthetist to go to work.

Some 90 minutes later, my next memory was waking up in recovery, struggling through the cloud in my head, to full consciousness.   An hour or so on I was back in my room, no Dr visit, just a nurse giving me a script for antibiotics and instructions not to shower for 5 days.   I had some pretty major padding in the nipple area, big square foam bits in place to protect the new fipples.  Plus a couple of small cotton sutures across my belly button.

I also woke up to find myself no longer in any state of excitement, but actually kind of flat.   Here I was thinking I would be fine for work in the morning, based on the fact that it was only day surgery.   I was wrong.  Actually, I had herceptin the next morning (yay great timing) and spent the infusion time with a flushed face and feeling out of sorts.  My plan to go in to the office in the afternoon did not materialise and instead I went home and hung out with Chilli dog.

The rest of the weekend I continued to feel a bit flat and tired but not terrible.  I had quite a bit on (standard!), which I managed to do just without a normal (for me) amount of spring in my step.  So it seems, me and general anesthetic does equate to some recovery time, even after day surgery.  I’m fine now though!

So, I’m sure you’re wondering – how do they look?   Yesterday, Tuesday morning I had a follow up with the PS.   He took off the bandaging and I got a good look at them.   Firstly I must say at this point, the fat injections have definitely helped.  I said as much to the Doc who promptly told me not to get too excited because it could still be swelling (boooo).  Secondly I do not have small nipples. I look like I’ve got half a jelly bean stuck on each side!  They don’t look bad mind you, they just look soooooo different to my old ones.  The PS said they are probably double the size they will settle to in time.  They make them larger due to this (surprise).   I’ve done some googling as per the norm and this does seem to be the case.

In other news he gave me water protective bandages and I can shower.  Wohoo.   Stitches are coming out Friday.  I have a very bruised tum tum but no scars on the stomach.  I am allowed to run (which I did this morning but must admit did hurt the tummy a little).   And next week fingers crossed, I will be allowed in the water.  Which is a good thing because I am going to be on holiday (South Africa is now just around the corner).

All up I’m definitely feeling the boobs have moved in the right direction.  I’m pleased I can see some improvement in the shape.  I think the fipples look good just different.   And I really can’t wait for the tattoos now.   The appointment is made for the 27th of Feb, because that’s the first time I can get it done at the PS office and get a medical rebate.  On the other hand she (tattooist) did say I could go to her offices sooner and pay for the privilege.  Tempted much, who me?!

Here is a pic of the tum this morning, 6 days post op:

3 thoughts on “Project fipples

  1. Thanks for the update, Yvette, and for letting those of us behind you in the reconstruction process know what to expect! You are leading the way for us, and I am thankful for all of this information. Also glad that it went well and that you are one step closer to being “done.’ Another milestone to celebrate! Best, Jane

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